October 11, 2017
I was thrilled to receive a good review from Kirkus for my memoir, While They're Still Here. My favorite lines are:
"Both crushing and uplifting; an account nearly as emotional as the caregiver’s trials it vividly outlines. . . . The end result is an intimate oral history of a blue-collar, postwar American family revealed by the author in the same touching and heartbreaking manner it was disclosed to her." -Kirkus Reviews
WHILE THEY'RE STILL HERE by Patricia Williams | Kirkus Reviews
The unexpected responsibilities of being her parents' full-time caregiver bring a dutiful daughter not only heavy burdens, but new revelations about her family as well.
Released: Nov. 7, 2017
Reviewed: Oct. 11, 2017

While They're Still Here
is now available

Please contact me to receive announcements.
Publicity contact: Crystal Patriarche (crystal@booksparkspr.com)

"What a treat; a new book!"